Let’s become virtual pen pals!
Behind the scenes & from the heart
Join our community of farmsteading friends who are passionate about pursuing a life well-lived and creating a joy-filled home!
Not your typical newsletter…
I don’t know about you, but I hate signing up for newsletters that do little more than clog up my inbox practically every single day, offer nothing of substance, and only exist to sell me something. There’s no way I want to be part of that!
That’s why we do things a little different around here.

From My Heart
I believe that if we’re exchanging our email addresses with each other, we’re taking our friendship to another level. I don’t write my emails for the general public–I write to my inner circle of trusted friends about what’s going on in our life and what I’ve been thinking about lately. This is where I share my heart.

Behind the Scenes
There’s a whole lot that goes on here at the farm that never makes it into a blog post or video. These are the real life, day-to-day parts of our family’s story that might not be polished for publication, but they’re the things that bring meaning and joy to our lives. You know…the things that only your true friends get to see!

Designed to Serve
You know how other people’s newsletters are just a disguised way to sell you something? That makes me cringe. You won’t hear from me unless I have something meaningful to say. You also won’t see my name in your inbox every single day, and that’s because I care about your trust in me, and I value our friendship.

I believe that building a life well-lived starts at home.
If home is where we reconnect, recharge, and realign ourselves with our vision and values so that we can do good work in the world, homemaking, then, is the foundation of it all.
Through sharing our life, home, and farmsteading journey, my hope is to inspire you to build into your own life all that’s most meaningful to you.
Let’s get to know each other better…
Relentless in the pursuit of joy?
You’re my kind of human!
Here’s what I think: Joy is a choice purposefully made. In every moment, and despite our circumstances, we can decide to live with a joyful spirit.
But that doesn’t mean that we don’t encounter tough stuff on the way. In fact, if you’re not struggling and experiencing some discomfort, you’re not striving or growing. And while many people are afraid to talk about the very honest parts of cultivating a life well-lived, I embrace these courageous conversations. After all, the most challenging chapters of our stories are the ones that push us to become better versions of ourselves.

From My Heart, Always.
If you despise traditional newsletters, you’re in the right place. When I send an email (about twice a month), it is only ever straight from the heart.