The Perfect Brownie (Gluten-free + Vegan)


Truth be told, I don’t have much of a sweet tooth. Generally speaking, my cravings are almost always of the savory variety. But, when a sweet craving does hit me, it is almost always centered around brownies.

I’m not sure if that’s based simply on the fact that they are the perfect blend of chewy, chocolatey, blissful goodness, or if I just want them more because making them is a gluten-free + vegan variation of Murphy’s Law. You know, the old adage that says “anything that can go wrong will go wrong”? In my experience, that’s exactly what happens when trying to bake a GF+V brownie. It seems like they are either too crumbly, or they don’t cook through and you end up with a pan of chocolate goop. And if you try to cook them longer, all you do is create brownie goop flambΓ©.

But all of that has changed…

Enter: Wholesome Chow’s brownie mix!

With a simple modification to the original recipe on the package, these brownies turned out as perfect as can be. I’m talking about pure brownie love, my friends!

They have all of the density and chewiness you’d expect from a classic brownie instead of the dry and crumbly texture in other gluten-free recipes. And they cook thoroughly and evenly in an 8″x8″ pan, so you don’t have to worry about burnt edges and goopy middles.

Hello, chocolately heaven…goodbye, insatiable cravings! And with the simplicity of a quick and easy packaged mix modification, all of this can be yours in just over 30 minutes. So, what are you waiting for??

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post, and I have received NO compensation for sharing these products. Some links to ingredients below may be affiliate links, and I might earn a commission if you make a purchase through that link. This usually amounts to cents, not dollars, and helps to support the projects and recipes featured on this blog. I only recommend products that I have used from companies that I have found to be trustworthy. Read my full disclosure here.

Gluten-free Vegan Brownies
Makes 16 brownies

1 package of Wholesome Chow Brownie Mix
Β½ cup Earth Balance Vegan Buttery Sticks/Spread
2 TBSP Follow Your Heart Vegan Egg
1 cup water, divided
Β½ cup Enjoy Life Dark Chocolate Morsels

Directions (modified from original package):
1. Preheat oven to 350oF and grease an 8″x8″ baking pan.

2. Melt butter in a sauce pan or microwave. Re-measure to make sure it is a full Β½ cup after heating.

3. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together Β½ cup COLD water with vegan egg.

4. Add brownie mix and butter to egg, and mix well. Gradually add remaining Β½ cup of water, 1-2 tablespoons at a time as needed, to produce a batter that is thoroughly moist, but still thick and sticky. Be careful not to water down the batter–it should not be as thin as a traditional brownie batter.

5. Stir in chocolate chips (or nuts, etc).

6. Add batter to pan and level with back of spatula.

7. Bake for 30 minutes, then test for doneness. You will know the brownies are done when gently pressing the top middle section feels dense and firm. Continue cooking 1-2 minutes at a time until done.

8. Allow to cool completely in pan on a wire rack before cutting. This is important! Cutting too early will cause brownies to crumble (but if you put a scoop of coconut milk ice cream on top, who cares, amiright?!). For a smooth cut, put brownies in the fridge for several hours after cooled from oven. Note: This is only possible if you are superhuman and can actually wait that long!

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